Jazzy Jamzz
Hey everyone! It's Jazzy, and I'm here to share my passion for making jams. Jam-making has been a tradition in my family for generations, and my great-aunt is my biggest inspiration. Watching her create delicious jams from scratch was a magical experience that I'll never forget. She taught me that cooking is more than a necessity, but an art form that allows you to express your creativity and imagination.
Photo by Barbara Chowaniec on Unsplash
I recreate those moments with her every time I boil up a new batch. My passion for jam-making started in 2018 when I made my own jam without my great-aunt's guidance. Let's just say it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. But I didn't let that stop me. I kept experimenting and trying new recipes until I found the perfect balance of flavors.
Nowadays, my friends, family, and customers can't get enough of my Island Mango and Slammin’ Strawberry jams. In a world where high fructose syrup and other additives are included in almost everything, I'm proud to offer jams that are homemade with natural sweeteners.
Making jams is not only a way to honor my family's traditions, but it's also a way to celebrate the history of African American women who have been cooking, baking, and canning jams for hundreds of years in this country.
While most people associate jams with classic PB&J sandwiches, I want to encourage everyone to think outside the box. Jams can be used in so many different ways! For instance, they're a delicious addition to oatmeal or yogurt, and they make a great glaze for roasted chicken. I aim to show the world that jams are versatile and Sweet Treat For Every Occasion!
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash
In a nutshell, making jams is not just a hobby for me, it's a way to connect with my family's traditions and share them with others. I'm grateful for my great-aunt's guidance and inspiration, and I'm honored to continue her legacy through Jazzy Jams. So next time you're in the mood for something sweet, give my jams a try. I promise you won't be disappointed!
Written by: Jasmine Green & Biola Famimiko